Friday, December 25, 2015

Bhoologam Review: The Making of Bhoologam

Man 1: *takes a hit of joint* Bruh lets make a movie.

Man 2: Ok. Bout what lol

Man 1: *notices Rocky DVD Set in the corner* lol local amateur becomes international boxing star. His first rival becomes his friend, his mentor dies and he also faces crazy foreign boxer whos killed people but this guy wins lol.

Man 2: ok but how do we sell this movie.

Man 1: community probs, reference to tamil power rising and shit lol

Man 2: But we need more. c'mon how do we sell this.

Man 1: .... lets add a subplot about how greedy businessmen want to sell their products.

Man 2: Lol perf. What bout the music?

Man 1: As usual bro. Lets rip off Rocky, Requiem of a Dream and Pirates of the Caribbean.

Man 2: I have an idea! Lets make all the boxers stand together and say something cheesy like "None of us lost, all of us won" at the end.

Man 1: hahahahahahaha.

Man 2: hahahahahaha.